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Due emphasis is given on the importance of giving a proper direction to social science research and of encouraging and fostering objective and scientific writing. It is equally important to promote the application method to the study of the social sciences and the humanities so that an interdisciplinary approach is achieved in an understanding of these subjects.
This will be primarily an academic body with the aims and objectives stated hereunder:
To undertake and conduct researches in various disciplines of Social Science through diverse academic exercises like seminars, symposia, meetings, conferences, academic workshops, discourses, publication of journals, literature, books and all sorts of public deliberations with the help of all available media of expression;
To cultivate objective, scientific, secular and humanistic visions of life along with a corporate sense of living through promotion of reason, ethics and attachment to our heritage in all aspects of life. All our words, actions and functioning will be directed to this end:
To promote Indian integration, acculturation, social inclusion and eclectic outlook in all our speeches, writings and actions;
The income and properties of the society whatever to be derived or obtained shall be applied solely towards the promotion of the depressed society and a portion thereof shall be utilised towards any means to remove communalism, religious bigotry, parochialism and all forms of obscurantism from the day to day practices of our ethics and ethos and norms of life.
The importance of giving a proper direction to social science research and of encouraging and fostering objective and scientific writing. It is equally important to promote application method to the study of the social sciences and the humanities, so that an inter-disciplinary approach is achieved in an understanding of these subjects.
The Society covers broader aspect including the history, sociology, economics, political science, anthropology, geography and humanities etc.
The Society assists to promote scientific research in social science
To publish a biannual Journal –Journal of People's History and Culture
To maintain Library facility exclusively for researchers and scholars
To provide a forum for open discussion of academic matters of social sciences
To conduct scientific meetings, symposiums & annual conferences of the Association from time to time.
To promote the advancement of scientific knowledge and to foster the spirit of research & up-gradation of knowledge amongst members.
To uphold the dignity and unity of academic and research in agricultural economics/social sciences.
To publish journals/books/mimeographs as per National & International Standards.
Sl. No. | Name | Address | Designation |
1 | Dr. Anil Kumar Sarkar | 455-Flat No.1B, Sreerampur Road East, Ward No.110 (near KakurDokan), Garia, P.S- Patuli, Kolkata-700084 | President |
2 | Dr. Subhas Biswas | Vill+P.O. Darappur, Dt. Nadia, PIN:741223 | Vice President |
3 | Dr. Manosanta Biswas | Subhas Nagar, A-Block, P.S:Duttapukur, PO: Nilganj Bazar, North 24 Paraganas, WB. Pin: 700121 | Secretary |
4 | Dr. Akhil Sarkar | Kathaltala, Krishnanagar, Nadia, PIN:741101 | Assistant Secretary |
5 | Manoj Kumar Haldar | B 17/12, Kalyani, Post: Kalyani, Dist: Nadia, Pin-741235 | Treasurer |
6 | Rajesh Biswas | 53/17, Incinerator Road, Dum Dum Cantonment, Kolkata-700028 | Member |
7 | Tarak Haldar | 216, Green park, Narendrapur, Kolkata-700103 | Member |