
Author's Guideline

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Guidelines for Contributors to "Journal of People's History and Culture

MANUSCRIPTS:Manuscripts of articles should be submitted in MS- word (Times New Roman, 12 points), in double- space with figures and tables, if any. The cover page should bear only the title of the article and the author's name, address (both postal and e-mail address), and phone number(s). The article(s) should be about4000 words.

HEADLINES: Limit the level of heading within an article to three or four (maximum). Avoid lengthy headings and do not number them. The printed style will demonstrate their order clearly without recourse to an explicit numbering, such as 1.1.

QUOTATIONS: Use single quotation marks, reserving double quotation. Mark for quoted words within a quotation. The spelling of words in the quotation should not be changed. No quotation marks are required for longer passages (i.e., 45 words or more); these have to be indented and separated from the text.

ITALICS: Avoid excessive italicization for emphasis but use them book titles and foreign words, unless particular terms occur so frequently that they are better in upright (roman) type. Proper nouns in a foreign language should always be in roman. We also prefer to set common terms such as 'status quo', 'a p rori' and 'et al.' in roman; Ibid.., however, will be in italics.

REFERENCES: The referencing must be done in end-note style and must follow the latest edition of Chicago Handbook.

Books: MridulaMukharjee, Peasants in Indian's Non-Violent Revolution: practice and theory, Sage Publications, New Delhi, 2004, p.577. Print/e-book.

JOURNAL: Philip Kitcher, Essence and Perfection, Ethics 110, No.1, 1999, p.60

WEBSITE CONTENT: http//, Accessed 18th July, 2014